Trust is key to selling in a digital age

Digital selling retains many of the elements of face-to-face sales


Treasure your customers

Relate to their needs

Understand their needs and different buyer personas

Satisfy their needs with helpful solutions

Try to help them solve the problems they face

Don’t use the machine gun approach to selling, you’ll kill the customer!

Remember all customers are people not numbers on a spreadsheet. CustomersĀ need to to treated as intelligent human beings who have feelings.


Too many salespeople are so keen to reach sales targets that they just see customers as numbers and revenue making units. To succeed sales people need to have a more tailored approach based on careful listening to the customers needs.

Instead of being a pest on the phone become a helper and problem solver for individual customer needs. Social media can help once it’s not seen as spam.

Questioning to uncover the customers needs

Questioning and listening are the key to uncovering the customers needs.

As selling is about relationship building it is important that this is not an interrogation.

Open questions get the customer talking and closed questions help close the sale.

As only 7% of our communication is based on the words we use it’s important listen to the body language as well as the words.